Boris Fantasy Art CD-ROM

Illustrator: Boris Vallejo
Images: 3x 200 (see text below)
Publisher: Gazelle Technologies
Published: 1992
Compatible: MSDOS & Mac.
  Boris Vallejo CD, original coverOriginal cover: The Sorceress & the Dragon   Boris Vallejo CD, recent coverRecent cover: Broken Wing
CD-ROM published by Gazelle Technologies, Inc. 1992 (although the image files on my copy are dated 1994 so maybe there was a second edition.)

Contents: 200 images compatible with PC and Macintosh, and viewer software.

PC-accessible images are in three formats:

Image quality is good, the .TIF files usually being something like 900+ pixels along the long side. The CD purports to have 200 images - whilst it is true that there are that many image files on the disc, there are several errors as follows: The effect of the last four items is that there are only 196 unique images on the CD. The table below shows all the filenames in order together with representative images of the paintings they contain (not the actual images from the CD.)

There is, unfortunately, no associated text file which gives further image details. I would guess this is true of the Macintosh versions too. The CD predates Windows 95 so the filenames conform to the original DOS (8.3) format.

I can confirm that more recent editions of the CD still contain the same errors although the viewer software appears to be a little more sophisticated than that originally provided.

ALIENVIS: Alien Visitor
Alien Visitor, Boris Vallejo
ALONE: AloneFirst Love, Boris Vallejo AMAZONRD: Amazon RiderChosen of Mida, Boris Vallejo
AMAZONS: The AmazonsThe Amazons (1988), Boris Vallejo ANDROID: AndroidCrisis on Citadel II, Boris Vallejo ANGEL: Angel 2Angel (1984), Boris Vallejo
APACHEWS: Apache WellsApache Wells, Boris Vallejo APESLAND: Ape's LandThe City, Boris Vallejo APLACE: A Place Beyond ManA Place Beyond Man, Boris Vallejo
APRIVATE: A Private CosmosA Private Cosmos, Boris Vallejo AQUARIUS: AquariusAquarius, the Water Bearer, Boris Vallejo AQUILON: AquilonianConan of Aquilonia, Boris Vallejo
ARIES: Aries, the RamAries, the Ram, Boris Vallejo ARM: ArmArm, Boris Vallejo ASSASSIN: Assassin of GorAssassin of Gor, Boris Vallejo
ATTHEDGE: At the End of the WorldAt the End of the World, Boris Vallejo AX: Ax - prelimAx - preliminary art, Boris Vallejo BACKSTAG: BackstageStarcrossed, Boris Vallejo
BARQUEEN: Barbarian QueensBarbarian Queen (1985), Boris Vallejo BEASTBFL: The Beast and the ButterflyAraminta Station, Boris Vallejo BEHIND: Behind the Walls of TerraBehind the Walls of Terra, Boris Vallejo
BERSERKR: BerserkerBerserker, Boris Vallejo BIGBANG: Big BangBerserker Base, Boris Vallejo BIRTH: BirthBirth, Boris Vallejo
BROTANBR: Brotan the BreederBrotan the Breeder, Boris Vallejo BROTANSL: Brotan the SlaverBarba the Slaver, Boris Vallejo BURNING: BurningBurning, Boris Vallejo
BURSTING: Bursting OutBursting Out (1983), Boris Vallejo CANCER: CancerCancer, the Crab, Boris Vallejo CAPRICRN: Capricorn, the GoatCapricorn, the Goat, Boris Vallejo
CAVEBATT: Cave BattleOrion in the Dying Time (1989), Boris Vallejo CELESTAL: Celestial CabWorlds, Boris Vallejo CHESKING: Chess King ChristmasChess King Christmas, Boris Vallejo
CHROME: Chrome Robot - prelimThe Edge of Tomorrow - preliminary art, Boris Vallejo CLONES: CloneBeloved Son, Boris Vallejo COLOSSUS: ColossusBerserker's Planet, Boris Vallejo
COWBOY: CowboyCowboy, Boris Vallejo CRYSTAL: Crystal GryphonCrystal Gryphon, Boris Vallejo CURL: CurlCurl, Boris Vallejo
DAPHAPOL: Daphne and ApolloDaphne and Apollo, Boris Vallejo DEATHIV: Deathstalker IVDeathstalker_IV, Boris Vallejo DEATHST: Death StalkerDeathstalker II, Boris Vallejo
DEIANEIR: Deianeira and NessusDeianeira and Nessus, Boris Vallejo DEMON: Demon in the MirrorDemon in the Mirror, Boris Vallejo DIVING: DivingDiving, Boris Vallejo
DOMES: DomesMassacre in the 22nd Century, Boris Vallejo DORIS: DorisDoris (1985), Boris Vallejo DRAGMAID: Dragon MaidenThe Dragon, Boris Vallejo
DRAGON: The Sorceress and the DragonThe Sorceress and the Dragon, Boris Vallejo DRAGONG1: The Dragon and the George 1The Dragon and the George 1, Boris Vallejo DRAGONG2: The Dragon and the George 2The Dragon and the George 2, Boris Vallejo
DRAGPRIN: Dragon PrinceDragonprince, Boris Vallejo EGYPTIAN: Egyptian WarriorConan the Raider, Boris Vallejo ELIJAH: Elijah IIElijah (lefthand side), Boris Vallejo
ELVENBAN: The ElvenbaneElvenbane, Boris Vallejo ENCHANT: EnchantmentEnchantment, Boris Vallejo ESANDCRE: Es and the CreationEs and the Creation, Boris Vallejo
EXECUTNR: The ExecutionerFour Wishes, Boris Vallejo EXTERMIN: ExterminatorA Matter for Men, Boris Vallejo FEMALEWR: Female WrestlersFemale_Wrestlers (8th anniversary), Boris Vallejo
FIREWALK: FirewalkerFiredance, Boris Vallejo FIRSTLOV: First LoveAlone, Boris Vallejo FLIGHT: FlightFlight (1984), Boris Vallejo
FLYING: Flying SorcererThe Flying Sorcerers, Boris Vallejo FOOTBALL: Football Hero (right)Football Hero (righthand side), Boris Vallejo FOREVER: Forever MomentsForever Moments, Boris Vallejo
FREEBOOT: FreebooterConan the Freebooter, Boris Vallejo FULLMOON: Full MoonFull Moon (1984), Boris Vallejo FURIES: The FuriesThe Furies, Boris Vallejo
GATES: The CreatureThe Gates of Creation, Boris Vallejo GATEWAYS: GatewaysGateway, Boris Vallejo GATEWIN: Gateways in the SandGateways in the Sand, Boris Vallejo
GEMINI: Gemini, the TwinsGemini, the Twins, Boris Vallejo GENERAL: The General Zapped an AngelThe General Zapped an Angel, Boris Vallejo GIRLWHO: The Girl Who Owned A CityThe Girl Who Owned a City, Boris Vallejo
GOLDEN: Golden WingsGolden Wings, Boris Vallejo GRACUS: GracusGracus the Centurian, Boris Vallejo GRYPERIE: Gryphon's EerieGryphon's Eyrie, Boris Vallejo
GRYPHON: GryphonGryphon (1991), Boris Vallejo HAESEL: Haesel the SlaveHaesel the Slave, Boris Vallejo HAMMER: Hammer ThrowHammer Throw, Boris Vallejo
HANDS: HandsHands, Boris Vallejo HATCHET: HatchettHatchett, Boris Vallejo HEAVYMTL: Heavy MetalHeavy Metal, Boris Vallejo
HIGHCH: The High Couch of SilistraThe High Couch of Silistra, Boris Vallejo HIPPOCMS: HippocampusHippocampus, Boris Vallejo HYDRA: HydraHydra, Boris Vallejo
ICESCHNR: The Ice SchoonerThe Ice Schooner, Boris Vallejo INMOONS: In the Moons of BoreaIn the Moons of Borea, Boris Vallejo INUNDERW: In the UnderworldIn the Underworld, Boris Vallejo
INVICTUS: InvictusEndithor's Daughter, Boris Vallejo ISAAC: Isaac Asimov - prelimIsaac Asimov - preliminary art (unsigned), Boris Vallejo JADE: Jade ManikinJade Manikin, Boris Vallejo
JAVELIN: JavelinThe Javelin Thrower, Boris Vallejo KINGSDTR: The King's DaughterThe King's Daughter, Boris Vallejo KNIGHT: Knight on WheelsKnightriders, Boris Vallejo
LADYRED: Lady in RedAgent of Vega, Boris Vallejo LASTSTND: Leda and the SwanLeda and the Swan (1989), Boris Vallejo LAVALITE: The Lavalite WorldThe Lavalite World, Boris Vallejo
LEDASWAN: Leda and the SwanLeda and the Swan (1989), Boris Vallejo LEO: LeoLeo, the Lion, Boris Vallejo LIBRA: Libra, the BalanceLibra, the Balance, Boris Vallejo
LIVE: Live Tattoos
Live Tattoos, Boris Vallejo
LOCHNESS: The Lavalite WorldThe Lavalite World, Boris Vallejo LORD: Lord of the WolvesThe Ginger Star, Boris Vallejo
MAGICRNG: The Magic RingWarrior Witch of Hel, Boris Vallejo MAKER: Maker of UniversesThe Maker of Universes, Boris Vallejo MAYAN: Mayan SerpentClash of Star-Kings, Boris Vallejo
MEDUSA: MedusaMedus (1984). Boris Vallejo MERCENRY: MercenaryMercenary, Boris Vallejo MINERVA: MinervaMinerva, Boris Vallejo
MINOTAUR: The MinotaurMinotaur, Boris Vallejo MISTRESS: Mistress of the CatsMistress of the Felines, Boris Vallejo MOLLYHAT: Molly HatchetTake No Prisoners, Boris Vallejo
MOONSUN: The Moon and the SunThe Moon and the Sun, Boris Vallejo MOTHER: Mother and DaughterDeath Riders of Hel, Boris Vallejo MTNMONST: Mountain BeastThe Mountain Monster, Boris Vallejo
NIGHT: NightNight, Boris Vallejo NOMADS: The NomadsNomads of Gor, Boris Vallejo NUBIAN: Nubian WarriorNubian Warrior, Boris Vallejo
NYANKOPN: Nyankopong and ElohdaNyankopong and Elohda, Boris Vallejo ODDS: Against the OddsConan the Triumphant, Boris Vallejo OFMEN: Of Men and MonstersOf Men and Monsters, Boris Vallejo
OLYTORCH: The TorchThe Torchbearers, Boris Vallejo ONSLAUGT: OnslaughtOnslaught (1991), Boris Vallejo PANDORAS: PandoraPandora (1989), Boris Vallejo
PHANTOM: Phantom of the SeaConan of the Isles, Boris Vallejo PHOENIX: PhoenixPhoenix (1991), Boris Vallejo PISCES: PiscesPisces, the Fishes, Boris Vallejo
PRIMEVAL: Primeval PrincessPrimeval Princess, Boris Vallejo PRISONER: InstantsPerfect Instants, Boris Vallejo PRISONRS: The PrisonersSome Summer Lands, Boris Vallejo
PYRAMIDS: PyramidsThe Vengeance of Orion, Boris Vallejo QUEENAMZ: Queen of the AmazonsAmazons (1986), Boris Vallejo QUEENS: Queen's SceptreAtlan, Boris Vallejo
QUEST: Quest
Quest, Boris Vallejo
QUESTZM: Quest (cropped)
Quest, Boris Vallejo
REDAMAZN: Red AmazonWhen Hell Laughs, Boris Vallejo
REDTERR: Red TerrorThe Red Terrors, Boris Vallejo ROBOBUG: RobobugStar Probe, Boris Vallejo RUNNERS: RunnersAchilles' Choice, Boris Vallejo
SAGGITAR: SagittariusSagittarius, the Archer, Boris Vallejo SATELLTE: SatelliteExiles to Glory, Boris Vallejo SCARECRW: Scarecrow AngelScarecrow Angel, Boris Vallejo
SCARLET: Scarlet MenaceDemon Night, Boris Vallejo SCORPIO: ScorpioScorpio, the Scorpion, Boris Vallejo SECRETS: SecretsSecrets, Boris Vallejo
SECRTSOF: Secrets of SynchronicityThe Secrets of Synchronicity, Boris Vallejo SEDUCTN: SeductionSeduction, Boris Vallejo SERPSLAY: Serpent Slayer - preliminarySnake Attack - preliminary art, Boris Vallejo
SHEVAMP: She VampireShe Vampire, Boris Vallejo SHOOT: Shoot the BullTwo Hawks from Earth, Boris Vallejo SHOWTIME: ShowtimeShowtime, Boris Vallejo
SIEGE: The Siege of FaltaraThe Siege_of_Faltara, Boris Vallejo SIRENSNG: Siren SongSiren Song, Boris Vallejo SNAKE: The SerpentThe Serpent, Boris Vallejo
SOAP: SoapCounterfeit Lover, Boris Vallejo SPACEARA: Space ArachnoidThe Web Between the Worlds, Boris Vallejo SPACECAP: Space Captive
Space Captive, Boris Vallejo
SPACECOL: Space ColoniesColony, Boris Vallejo SPHINX: SphinxSphinx (1984), Boris Vallejo SPHINX2: Sphinx 2Sphinx (1990), Boris Vallejo
SPRING: Spring GardenSpring Garden, Boris Vallejo STARCTRL: Star ControlStar Control, Boris Vallejo STARTREK: Star TrekThe Wounded Sky, Boris Vallejo
STEVE: SteveRolind of Meru, Boris Vallejo STONIDOL: Stone IdolEnchantress of Venus, Boris Vallejo SWORDFGT: Sword FightWar of the Citadels, Boris Vallejo
SWORDMAN: SwordsmanSwordsman, Boris Vallejo SWORDSER: Swords and SerpentsSwords and Serpents, Boris Vallejo TALISMAN: Talisman 2More Magic, Boris Vallejo
TARNSMAN: TarnsmanTarnsman of Gor, Boris Vallejo TATTOO: TattooTattoo, Boris Vallejo TAURUS: Taurus, the BullTaurus, the Bull, Boris Vallejo
THEBRIDE: The BrideBride, Boris Vallejo THEMAGNF: The MagnificentConan the Magnificent, Boris Vallejo THIRST: ThirstThirst, Boris Vallejo
THROUGH: Through the Reality WarpThrough the Reality Warp, Boris Vallejo TOTEM: TotemTotem Pole, Boris Vallejo TOWER: TowerThe Alien Within, Boris Vallejo
TREEDETH: Tree of DeathTree of Death (1979), Boris Vallejo TRITONMR: The Triton and the MermaidTriton and the Mermaid, Boris Vallejo TWOHEAD: Two-Headed MonsterOld Style Beer (revised), Boris Vallejo
UNICORN: UnicornE Pluribus Unicorn, Boris Vallejo VACATION: National Lampoon's Summer VacationNational Lampoon's European Vacation, Boris Vallejo VAMPIRE: Vampire's KissVampire's Kiss, Boris Vallejo
VIRGO: VirgoVirgo, the Virgin, Boris Vallejo WARRIOR: WarriorConan of Aquilonia, Boris Vallejo WEB: WebWeb, Boris Vallejo
WHITEEGL: White EagleAgainst the Prince of Hell, Boris Vallejo WHITEMAG: White MagicThe Magic Goes Away, Boris Vallejo WHITEWCH: The VictoriousConan the Victorious, Boris Vallejo
WILDERNS: WildernessThe Chronicles of Amber, Boris Vallejo WINGSWOR: Wings of WorWings of Wor, Boris Vallejo WINTER: Winter GoddessSpawn of the Winds, Boris Vallejo
WITCHFAM: The Witch and her FamiliarWitch and Her Familiar, Boris Vallejo WOLFMSTR: WolfmasterShapechangers, Boris Vallejo WOLVES: WolvesWolves, Boris Vallejo
WRESTLNG: WrestlingWrestling, Boris Vallejo YESTRDAY: Yesterday and TomorrowSteppe, Boris Vallejo

Page last updated: 2023-07-15